Please book online or feel free to contact us directly to make your booking on admin@palacehotel.com.au or (08) 9021 2788.
Any promotions, group room bookings or travel agent enquiries should be made directly to the Hotel.
A few items to note about your stay at the Palace Hotel:
- All reservations made directly with the hotel must be paid for by a credit card. To contact the hotel directly for a booking, email us on admin@palacehotel.com.au or (08) 9021 2788.
- We welcome guests at all times of day and night; however Reception is open during office hours seven days a week. If you are arriving outside of these times, please let us know and we will make arrangements for your arrival.
- Some of our rooms are located at the Australia Hotel, which is across the street from the Palace Hotel. If no preference is indicated, we will book you into the best room available in your price range, whether it is in the Palace or the Australia.
Our rooms are located in historic hotels, and some rooms are on the first or second floors. Access to these rooms is via stairs. if you have mobility issues or require a ground floor room, please let us know when booking your room. Ground floor rooms are limited and subject to availability.